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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh
National Compliments Day 24.1.25. If you are impressed by any member of our school community, please let us know via the compliments corner on the home page.
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School Day

School begins at 9.05am 

School ends at: 

Years 1 and 2 2.00pm
Year 3 Pre-Christmas 2.00pm
After Christmas 3.05pm
Years 4-7 3.05pm

Morning Break:

10.40am - 10.55am


Years 1 - 3 11.55am - 12.55pm
Years 4 -7 12.35pm - 1.25pm

When parents are collecting children from school at the normal time, it is requested that they remain outside the school building until the children are released from their classrooms. Also, if parents are collecting their children by car, could they please use the local church car park.