Access Keys:

St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh


May 2024 July 2024
Sunday, 2nd June 2024
Corpus Christi Mass and Procession for Confirmation / First Holy Communion Pupils (11.30am)
Monday, 3rd June 2024
Violin P5-7 (AM)
P2 Art Therapy Workshop (AM)
Tuesday, 4th June 2024
Core Kids Coaching (All Classes)
EA Youth Service Transition Workshop for P7 (PM)
Core Kids After School Fundamental Skills P1&2 (2-3pm)
P6 Afterschool Study Club (3.15pm - 4.15pm )
Core Kids After School P4-6 Football (3-4pm)
Wednesday, 5th June 2024
Piano Lessons (All Day)
Thursday, 6th June 2024
Class Mass (P2)
Gaelic Coaching (Pat Cadden) (P3-7)
Friday, 7th June 2024
St Kevin's College Second Transition Day (All Day)
Mandarin Language & Culture Lessons (All Classes)
P5 Swimming (AM)
Sunday, 9th June 2024
Fermanagh Fleadh Events in St Mary's PS (AM)
Fermanagh Fleadh Parade including School Group (PM)
Monday, 10th June 2024
Violin P5-7 (AM)
Tuesday, 11th June 2024
International Day of Play (Join the fun to kick start a 'Summer of Play')
P6/7 Trip to Cavan Adventure Centre (All Day)
Wednesday, 12th June 2024
Piano Lessons (All Day)
Thursday, 13th June 2024
Gaelic Coaching (Pat Cadden) (P3-7)
P6 After School Study Club (Final Session )
P7 Love For Life Talk (AM)
Friday, 14th June 2024
P5 Swimming (AM)
Sports Day (P1-3 AM / P4-7 PM)
Mandarin Language & Culture Lessons (All Classes)
Monday, 17th June 2024
Violin P5-7 (AM)
Tuesday, 18th June 2024
Free School Meal and Uniform Allowance 2024-2025 Applications open (Apply before 26th July )
Wednesday, 19th June 2024
Piano Lessons (All Day)
P1 & 2 Trip to Kool Kidz (All Day)
Thursday, 20th June 2024
Millionaire's Tea Party (PM)
Gaelic Coaching (Pat Cadden) (P3-7)
Class Mass (P1)
Friday, 21st June 2024
Mandarin Language & Culture Lessons (All Classes)
Crazy Hair Day (Planned by School Council) (Just for Fun to Celebrate Our Fabulous Pupils)
P5 Swimming (AM)
Reports Issued
Thank A Teacher Day
Monday, 24th June 2024
Leavers' Mass (Last Day for P7 Pupils)
Violin P5-7 (AM)
Tuesday, 25th June 2024
P7 Transition Day in Post-Primary Schools
P1 Welcome Morning (Parents and Pupils invited in groups. )
Wednesday, 26th June 2024
P1 Welcome Morning (Parents and Pupils invited in groups. )
Piano Lessons (All Day)
Thursday, 27th June 2024
P3 Trip to Fermanagh Fun Farm (All Day)
P4/5 Trip to Dublin Zoo (All Day)
Friday, 28th June 2024
School Closes 12 noon for Summer Holidays No Buses or dinners at this time (12 noon)