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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Time Capsules and Poetry: a great time to capture the year 2020!

We are certainly living in uncertain times at the minute, however, the year 2020 will no doubt go down in the annuals and as a year that people will talk about with the current situation. We hopefully all will return back to a new normal in the future but should never forget the people who lost their lives and their families.

It should be noted that this would be a great time for the children or adults to create a poem, story or time capsule. It could be anything and it would be fantastic to look back on in future years or pass down to future generations of your family. In years to come, WAU or history lessons will be based around this. It is a unique situation but something we should make the most of. Too many times we say I didn't have time to do it- act now and it will be something you can look back on in future years.

Dara and Jack in P7 have submitted excellent poems based on COVID 19 and the challenges we all have faced whilst remaining positive for what lies ahead in the future. Well done Dara and Jack and some humour in it as well!

Prepare items to be put in a school time capsules and send them to your teachers or keep them safe in your house until you return to school.

Take care!