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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Target Setting in P7

7th Nov 2019

In Primary 7, we have been doing work on setting targets and talking about aspects which could improve our school life and health. Wellness has a big theme in our PDMU lessons and we have looked further into the benefits of drinking water, exercising daily, having a nutritious diet and getting the required levels of sleep. Limiting our screen time and becoming more organised was another factor we delved into. As a class, we discussed why we make targets and used the SMART model to ensure they were feasible and relevant to our own individual needs. The class have now made targets up to Xmas and we have said we don't want these to just sit on our tables. Feel free to discuss with your child about the targets and what they feel they need to work on. Some targets are shown in the linked photos: