Access Keys:

St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

P7 Shared Education Trips

27th Jan 2025
P7 have enjoyed some wonderful days out, with pupils from Newtown Primary School and St Joseph's Primary School, Donagh.
Before Christmas we travelled to the Ulster American Folk Park in Omagh, to learn about life during the Irish Famine and the journey people made from Ireland to America. The weather wasn't on our side, but the children had a fantastic time regardless. They each had a turn to use the bellows to keep the fire lit and they listened to stories of what life as a child was like back then. Lots of work and very little play!
For our second trip, we visited The Workhouse in Enniskillen. They listened to the guide, Catherine, about life in Fermanagh during the Famine. They learnt many facts and figures relating to our local area and some children were able to tell Catherine stories they knew about local workhouses. They were shown some artefacts that were found during the renovation of the workhouse, which brought the entire experience to life.
We are really looking forward to our final Shared Education trip to Cavan Museum!