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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

P7 continue their online learning journey!

11th May 2020

The P7 class have been busy over the last few weeks. They have been getting the right mix between work and fun whilst learning new life skills. We have been completing numerous activities on PDMU through transition and looking at areas such as timetables/ changes to primary school life. In Numeracy, we have been looking at data handling and how to construct line graphs and interpret various Venn diagrams. This has been balanced with our Mathletics/ Activ Learn and mental maths activities such as prime numbers and revision of tables. The class have been playing a leading role in helping to clean the environment, baking lovely cakes and treats, being physically active through PE and researching religion work online. The children have continued utilising their spelling strategies alongside writing, reading and punctuation activities and some students found out interesting information on VE day. I could go on but that is a brief list. The most important thing is that the students and families are staying safe whilst learning new skills to equip them for the future. As I always tell you P7 "Today is a good day to learn something new", live in the present and take positives from this. Thank you for your dedication so far pupils and parents and please remember to find the right mix for your own home environment. Everyone is different and I would encourage you to find the right balance between work and fun. We all are aware that home schooling and learning is a challenge and like I said above, it is a journey! Have fun and don't put too much pressure on yourselves.

Please take care and stay safe. Chat to you online soon!

Mr. N Sludden

Below are some of the photos sent through recently to online learning: