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My Experience Meeting David Walliams By Kyron

18th Nov 2023


On the 15th November my dream came true. I got to meet David Walliams out in Crom Castle with all my P5 class, classroom assistants and teacher Miss Mallen. I absolutely love his books; I have already read some of his books and I can’t wait to read my new novel ‘The Blunders’.  David is a nice man and very funny.  

I was very excited when I was told at school, we were going to visit David Walliams in Crom. I got the newly released book, as well as Davids signature and I was over the moon.  

David read some parts of his books to all of us, my favourite was World’s Worst Children 1, as it was so funny, and it made us all laugh. My favourite part of this book was Windy Mindy as it was full of humour.  

I loved at the very start when David first came out to meet us, there was music and we were all feeling so excited. He came out and gave us all high fives which I thought was very good of David as this made us all feel very happy. When David walked out, we all clapped and cheered.  

David Walliams showed us all a cover of a book, called Worlds Worst Teachers. He asked all the crowd, “Is there any worlds worst teachers in the room”? I put my hand up for a good laugh, then I couldn’t believe it, David called me up to the microphone I was thrilled. I said, “Miss Mallen was the worlds worst teacher as she makes us do HARD numeracy”. I wanted to give Miss Mallen a good laugh. David Walliams said to the crowd that Kyron said, “If you don’t do the hard numeracy, Miss Mallen chucks you out the window”.  

David Walliams told us a very funny story and showed us all, pictures of him dressed up in girls’ clothes. He told us his sister used to parade him up and down the streets where they lived, dressed as a girl. This is why David wrote a book called The Boy in the Dress.  

All I can say is the day was epic!  I got photos taken with David Walliams and I felt so proud.  

Thank you to my brilliant primary school and teacher for arranging this trip as this is something I will always remember, getting to meet the most amazing man with the most amazing books, David Walliams.  


Kyron P5