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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

P7 Internet Safety Day 2020: Tuesday 11th February

14th Feb 2020

Along with our talk and discussion with the PSNI, the P7 class took part in a number of activities promoting safer internet day. Every day should be a safer internet day and we looked at the positives/ negatives of the internet and online devices. It is quite clear from our discussions that a number of children use certain apps such as TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat even though they are not the legal age and some even do so without their parents knowing. This is quite scary considering the type of people who may be online and it is the responsibility of us all but especially parents/ guardians to chat to their children about the consequences of being online. Our class looked at our online identity, digital footprint and took part in scenarios based on Internet safety. We also had a quiz on Friday. Remember: your online identity is no different to you and you should always think before you send something online.