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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Fermanagh Fleadh in St Mary’s

10th Jun 2024

We were delighted to host the Fleadh on Sunday 9th June. Musicians from the across the County competed, demonstrating a range of traditional Irish musical skills. It was lovely to see the school right at the heart of the community, and being part of showcasing all that Newtownbutler has to offer. 

We were so proud of all our pupils who competed, and especially Jack, Anna, Ava, Roise and Lauren, who have earned places in the Ulster Fleadh.

The celebrations culminated with a damp but spectacular parade through the town, giving us an opportunity to again share elements of our Aladdin Show. Thank-you to all the parents who joined us for the celebrations. No doubt this is a day that the children will remember, when they were cheered through the streets as they represented both their school and community.