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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Famine Houses: Loading!!

10th Feb 2020

The Primary 7 class have started their famine houses as part of the topic which they are studying in the curriculum and through the Literacy novels of the Famine trilogy by Marita-Conlan McKenna. Some students have already finished their houses and they look magnificent. We are hoping to display these at the chapel during St. Patrick's Day and Confirmation and plan to have a day in class to show the younger students and parents of the P7 pupils. It is a fantastic project and it is great to see the students and parents collaborating to make a special memory. Tara, Conor C, Conor McG and Dara have all completed their famine houses and I must say, the level of detail on these are marvellous. Thank you to all and of course, the families who play a big part in their support of this. I am really looking forward to seeing some more of these and appreciate time is hard to come by. However, Mid-Term is an excellent chance to start and maybe even finish off the design to have ready for St. Patrick's weekend. Some pictures are shown below of these famine houses:

Many thanks,

Mr. Niall Sludden