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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh
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24th Oct 2023
Congratulations to all the children who have attended School everyday so far this...
24th Oct 2023
20th Oct 2023
Thank-you to family and friends for joining us at our school Mass. Well done to all...
18th Oct 2023
As part of Book Week NI celebrations, Primary 6 and 7 pupils travelled to Lisnaskea...
17th Oct 2023
We have been learning about and praying the Rosary during October. Lucia brought...
16th Oct 2023
Well done to Aoife who was awarded gymnast of the week. 
16th Oct 2023
Well done to the pupils who participated in the Verse Speaking and Art sections of...
16th Oct 2023
Well done to Daniel on completing level 7 on Lexia, and to Peadar and Myla on reaching...