Access Keys:

St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh


2018/2019 School Year

20th Jun 2019
The P5 pupils are looking forward to taking on the role of Playground Buddies when...
20th Jun 2019
Well done to all the girls and boys who won Gold, Silver or Bronze medal and to...
20th Jun 2019
Our P7 students were given a refresher of first aid training and new CPR training...
17th Jun 2019
Congratulations to all the pupils on their participation in Sports’ Day and...
16th Jun 2019
The Dairy Council came to talk to the primary 4-7 pupils about food and fitness...
16th Jun 2019
The Key Stage 2 pupils had a great afternoon at sports day. Each class participated...
13th Jun 2019
There was great fun had by all the P1-3 pupils at their Sports. While classes took...
13th Jun 2019
Congratulati9ns to our KS2 pupils of the week! Keep up the hard work till the end...
13th Jun 2019
St. Mary's KS2 pupils had a visit from NSPCC and became updated on different issues...