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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Child Farm Safety Competition - The theme for Week four is Dangers from Tractors & other farm machinery! Go for it!

22nd Jun 2020

The theme for the week (Mon 22 - Fri 26 June) for our child safety poster competition is - DANGERS FROM TRACTORS & OTHER FARM MACHINERY

Farmers and farm workers use tractors and other equipment every day. These machines are powerful, and if not operated safely, can lead to disabling injuries or death.

To enter our competition all children need to do is draw a poster on a plain A3 or A4 page about the Dangers from tractors & other farm machinery.
Please ensure that all entries are drawn in portrait style and not landscape.

Parents/Caregivers just need to take a photograph of the completed poster and email to by Friday 26th June at 4pm. Please remember to include the child's name, age, school and a contact number for the parent/caregiver in the covering email. The winner will be notified next week.

*Please retain the original poster as winners will need to post their poster to us.

Children of Primary school age can enter with the chance to win a £30 One4all gift voucher.

Please read our Terms and Conditions before entering: