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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

A Hero’s Welcome For Mr Sludden

20th Sep 2021

We were delighted to welcome Mr Sludden back to school today in the style of a triumphant hero. Thank-you to the parents and many members of the community who helped prepare and turned out this morning to celebrate with us.  Mr Sludden was truly made feel like an honorary ‘Son of Newtown’ and is very appreciative of all the support which has been shown to him. 

Thank-you also to the parents / grandparents who contributed towards the cupcakes for the P7 class. 

Inside the school is full of red and white with bunting, posters and flags. We had a special assembly this morning when the children had an opportunity to hear about Mr Sludden’s journey to success, his advice on achieving dreams and lots of children got to ask him questions.