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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh


17th Sep 2024
Welcome to all the boys and girls in Primary 1. They have made a wonderful start...
17th Sep 2024
Dear parent, Please see below booking links for Core Kids afterschools starting...
Dear LELP Network and Subscribers, We are very excited to announce the Lough...
16th Sep 2024
The P5 children have been learning about the Trinity. Here they are creating a Trinity...
13th Sep 2024
After recently reading the story ‘The Dot’ the children in P5 experimented...
13th Sep 2024
Primary 5 have been enjoying Nurture activities on Fridays, teaching them strategies...
10th Sep 2024
Congratulations to the boys who won the recent Blitz. The future looks good for...
10th Sep 2024